I am kind of shocked. Well, to be more precise, I am very shocked. I have been defriended on Facebook.

Why, oh why, I am wondering and when did this happen? 

It happened sometime in the last few months, I tell ya and possibly in the last few weeks. I know because I’d been in touch with this former Facebook friend in November. And quite recently I know I’d been able to check same person’s Facebook profile, I know because I remember being surprised as to when their birthday is.

The why isn’t as easy. I am an expert defriender. But defriending someone on Facebook is well, different, it is ‘in yer face’.

Because, you see, with all its privacy settings Facebook allows you to play the charade of being friends with someone, even if you both decide to block each other out as much as possible.

I have been so blocked out by the person I’m writing about today that I don’t even know if they have a profile anymore. I doubt they deleted it. Who does that nowadays? People threaten to, but don’t. They’re not in my list of friends and there are a number of people with the same name with profiles that you can’t access any info on.

I’ve only defriended somebody once on Facebook – before I knew that you can choose for someone not to appear in your news feed if you just have no interest in them or they update their status etc too much.

I am still strict enough on who I’ll accept as a Facebook friend, and really it’s people who I’ve had a conversation with before on a social level, liked and would chat to again. It’s not for business. That’s why I use LinkedIn and Twitter.

Anyway, if you’re reading this and you’ve defriended me on Facebook, just let us know why? I don’t mind that much considering we didn’t converse that much through Facebook, but when we did, I enjoyed it.

I’ll leave you with the lyrics of that All Saints song, Never Ever.

“I need to know what I’ve done wrong
and how long it’s been going on
Was it that I never paid enough attention?
Or did I not give enough affection? 
Not only will your answers keep me sane 
but I’ll know never to make the same mistake again
You can tell me to my face or even on the phone
You can write it in a letter, either way, I have to know”

Have you ever defriended someone on Facebook or been defriended yourself on Facebook? Let us know what happened… Add a comment below.






Categories: Storytelling


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