You bet! Is the simple answer to that. You don’t need a writing desk at all.
Have you ever looked at anyone waiting anywhere for anything?
Whether it’s a queue in the post office or the doctor’s waiting room many of us will have our heads stuck in our smartphone (not forgetting Android as well as iPhones of course!)
Catching a few minutes here and there can be enough to help you piece together a blog post without feeling it is an hour snatched from your already oversubscribed schedule.
Move your notes shortcut to your home screen
Want to be able to whip out your phone and start typing? Make notes easy to access from the moment you unlock your phone.
List ideas for articles
Keep a list of ideas either in notes or a productivity app like Wunderlist.
Create a note with one idea
Have an idea? Save it on its own page and start typing on that note whenever you get time and inspiration.
Check autocorrect
Never trust words written on a phone with autocorrect before proofreading quickly. It could be embarrassing.
Click done or save
Don’t risk losing work. Click done or save frequently if typing a lot.
Know how to transfer your text
Send your text to your email for example so you can edit the text on your computer. Or copy and paste into your email or directly into mobile CMS for a blog.
Take photos
Looking for cheap stock imagery? Use the world around you to take photos you can use in your blog posts.
Check everything
Punctuation, spelling and grammar are not put the window just because you are on a device you can text on.
1 Comment
Deirdre ní Dhubhghaill · June 13, 2013 at 11:45 am
Hi Elaine
Thank you for your article. The next step can be taken too you mention the ‘mobile CMS’, In the article ‘publishing a blog via smart phone’ I write about some specific apps here.
Publishing a blog via smart phone?
There’s an app for that!