Communications and PR
Can you write a blog on your iPhone?
Catching a few minutes here and there can be enough to help you piece together a blog post without feeling it is an hour snatched from your already oversubscribed schedule.
Communications and PR
Where do you store your blog and article ideas?
Moments of inspiration can be fleeting. When you’re the ideas person in your company responsible for editorial calendars for the blog or news section or the social media calendar, capturing those ideas is just as important as actually writing about them. If you don’t have ideas, you don’t have material Read more…
Communications and PR
Public versus private
Sometimes a word has more than one meaning.
I’m not talking about words that sound similar but have completely different meanings. Like: (more…)
Communications and PR
What Elaine nearly did next – the business idea I nearly explored before Web Content Partners
Would you have backed me? On 20 August 2008, I sent a proposal for a business I called CloudCouch to the organisers of the Enterprise Platform Programme at Waterford Institute of Technology. I think I was a bit ahead of my time. The recession hadn’t officially hit, but I personally was feeling Read more…
Communications and PR
One space versus two spaces after a full stop
When typing do you press the space bar one or two times after hitting the full stop key (or period for our US readers)? Not sure? Go to the last document you have written and do a Ctrl+F (find) search for (or just hit the space bar twice). Priority spaces Read more…
Content maintenance – just like a car service
Unless you know what exactly a mechanic does, knowing what happens when your car gets serviced is a mystery to most. (more…)
Communications and PR
Checklist for creating crap content
If you want to make your content unprofessional, amateur and for the most unreadable please read on:(more…)
Communications and PR
American English vs Hiberno English: why it’s Paddy and not Patty in Ireland
One of the most fun Twitter accounts to follow in the run up to St Patrick’s day is @paddynotpatty. The retweets from this account are classic – especially from Americans who insist that calling St Patrick’s Day ‘Paddy’s Day’ is wrong. (more…)