If you want to make your content unprofessional, amateur and for the most unreadable please read on:
- Uppercase the first letter or indeed all letters in a word because you think it denotes importance
- Mix up your colons (:) and semi colons (;)
- Put two spaces after a full stop
- Use the ampersand (&) in the middle of a sentence instead of the word and
- Don’t bother to put a full stop at the end of your sentence
- Don’t hyphenate words when you should
- Use plural when referring to a company (you should write it rather than they)
- Get the names of people, products or places wrong
- Use too many (or any) exclamation marks
- Misspell
Warning: following the above guidelines are not advised unless you want your boss to hire in pros because the content you’re creating is ruining the company’s professional reputation.