Okay, this topic has been talked about to death, but still I have decided to proceed with a 10-minute lesson on the topic. I’ll be delivering the lesson to a group of seven people on Saturday morning at Waterford Institute of Technology, as my final assessment for the Certificate in Practical Teaching Skills for Adult Tutors that I have been working towards since February.
It’s important that the lesson is as relevant to the class as possible, which can be difficult in a group with varying backgrounds.
But if there is one thing we all have in common, it is wanting to better ourselves through the medium of education. Having completed the 12-week course, many of us would like to get into regular lecturing or delivery of workshops.
In my opinion, setting up a presence on a social networking site like LinkedIn, or even Twitter, Facebook too, would be of use to this audience in making new contacts and making people aware they have the right skills and training to deliver educational material to groups of adults.
I’m available, for example, and this is something I can disseminate through social networks.
If you’re not in, you can’t win.